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Sheldon Lions' Jig
Author: Ray Cope ("Moose")Formation: Set dance, 4 couples, longways.
Difficulty: 3
Style: English
A1: | Lines forward and back. Ladies arch, all do-si-do partner. |
A2: | Lines forward and back. Men arch, all do-si-do partner. |
B1: | Top two ladies arch, bottoms join up in horseshoe, top man thread the needle. |
B2: | Top two men arch, top lady thread the needle. |
C1: | Top couple lead to the bottom and make an arch, others cast, meet partner and lead up through the arch. |
C2: | All swing partner. |

In the
B part, if you're quick the arch can move the opposite way to the thread, and you get to thread two needles, though the top person won't have time to turn under.
Music: 4 x 48 bar jigs
Thumbnail: Forward and back, do-si-do, thread the needle, lead to the bottom, cast, up through arch, swing.