Download this dance
Country Bumpkin
Author: Michael Barraclough (with thanks for permission to publish)Formation: Set dance, 4 or 5 couples
Difficulty: 1
Style: English
A1: | Lines forward and back, cross with men making arches. |
A2: | 1s gallop down and up. |
B1/2: | 1s face across and start a grand chain. When they meet at the bottom 1s make an arch, meanwhile as the others cross at the top they chain down their own side while there's anyone to chain with, meet at the bottom and lead up under the arch to progressed places. |
Said to work at any speed from a slow step-hop to a breakneck reel, and so could be very useful in almost any circumstances.

The instructions were wrong for years; thanks to Michael for pointing this out.
Thumbnail: Forward and back, down and up, grand chain, others cast and up through arch