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Tumbling Tom's Tonic
Author: Les Ord4 couples in lines of four facing, partners side-by-side, with the women in the centre:
Difficulty: 2
Style: English
A1: | Reels of four along the sides, all the way back to place. |
A2: | Border swing partner twice around (right arms round waists, left arms free); ditto with left arms. |
B1: | Face partner and clap Own-Together, Right-with-Partner, Together, Left, Together, Crossed-on-chest, Both-with-Partner. Right elbow turn. Clap as before. Left elbow turn. |
B2: | Women RH star while men go round anti-clockwise outside; then women LH star going one extra place on, while men go clockwise back to own place. Form new lines. |
Men always start from home position, women progress.
Thanks to Les Ord for permission. Les calls and plays with the band Tumbling Tom.
Music: 32 bar hornpipes - the tune played on the video is Gilderoy
Thumbnail: Reels, swings, clapping, women star while men walk round: women progress