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Waltz Country Dance (version 1)
Formation: Sicilian circle
Difficulty: 2
Style: English
A1: | Face your opposite, take right hands, balance forward and back and then forward past each other to change places; ditto with your partner. |
A2: | Repeat A1. (This takes you round a little square.) |
B1: | All take hands. Balance in and out, then men roll your left-hand woman across into your partner's place (women let go with their left hands, roll across the man on the right, taking his right hand in their left hand, and roll into place on his right, all taking hands in a ring again). The men do not move round the ring. Repeat. |
B2: | Repeat B1. |
B3: | Waltz on to next couple. You have time to waltz once around this couple and then move on. |
This is the version in the EFDSS Community Dances Manual. It's a nice unhurried version, but it does require 40-bar tunes.

There is also a Scottish version - the only RSCDS dance in waltz time - which you can see in the third link, though this is the "ceilidh" version not the official RSCDS version.
Music: 40-bar waltzes, e.g. a three-part tune such as The Bath Waltz

AABBC or Cheshire Waltz

AABCC, or (probably easiest) regular 32-bar waltzes followed by an 8-bar waltz-on.
Thumbnail: Waltz time. Balance and change places with opposite then partner. Balance the circle, women roll across, four times. Waltz on.